Monday, January 7, 2008

Why Yoroi Wyvern?

I am writing this as an immediate addendum to the previous post, since the arbitrary nature of my blog's name reflects directly upon me... I guess.
To answer the question in the simplest way possible, I made the name up on the spot. I believe its origin in my own mind stems from overexposure to the Final Fantasy series which has been an occasional pastime of mine since the bygone days of the NES (but I will not get into that subject, since I fear that in an arena such as a weblog, I tread on hallowed ground by virtue of its mere reference).
Were I to attempt to add depth to this blog's arbitrarily assigned moniker, I might note also that it means "Armored Serpent (Dragon)" in mixed Japanese and Saxon English. Of course, having said that, I would have to elaborate by saying that the two terms and languages used are of little personal significance. I think I have just developed the habit of producing literary rarities of this kind merely for the sake of establishing ID's for things such as Webmail addresses (and Blog titles, apparently).

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